Welby: we must teach to live, not to die

Welby: we must teach to live, not to die

by Emmanuele Di Leo


We want to update you on the proposal presented by the Democratic Party and the Five Stars Movement, discussed last 28 April in the Municipal Council in Rome to name the gardens of “San Giovanni Bosco” square in honour of Piergiorgio Welby.

As expected, the proposal has passed. The only votes against were those of Lega and Fratelli d’Italia parties.

We at Steadfast Onlus worry about the levity with which certain initiatives are carried out while we still have before us the enormous efforts and great dedication doctors and nurses have put in place to face this health emergency, especially in intensive care.

Hospitals have faced huge difficulties in finding and setting up the largest number of intensive care beds inclusive of ventilators and adequate supports just because they are indispensable to save lives.

This health emergency and the case of Welby, who suffered from muscular dystrophy and died in 2006 following the detachment of the artificial respirator by the doctor, are the demonstration that artificial respiration cannot be considered a therapy, but a vital support. His treatment was not even to be considered persistent therapy, as sentenced by the judges themselves, who followed the legal case after his death.

This proposal, now approved, has the clear objective of taking forward small political steps and laws that, unfortunately, we have learned about in countries such as Switzerland, Belgium, Holland and the United Kingdom, aimed at considering no longer healthy and performing life useless, therefore not worth living, but good to be sacrificed at any age and for any need in the name of a presumed freedom of self-determination and charitable feeling.

Unconscious victims of this deadly strategy are the students of the schools who will be involved in this commemoration and who will have to affix the plaque in the gardens. They will be told Welby has died so others can die as he did. We cannot allow our children, our future, to learn to live according to the will of those who do not respect the life of others.

With SteadfastEducation we set ourselves the goal of collaborating with schools, educational institutions and universities to carry out projects aiming at a good training of children’s knowledge and at the awareness of the uniqueness of human life, of rights connected to it and at help and protection of the most vulnerable.

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