Ruth Institute rejects UN “gender-neutral language” manipulation

Ruth Institute rejects UN “gender-neutral language” manipulation


Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said the United Nations’ attempt to make language more politically correct is “another advance for the Sexual Revolution and a further descent into barbarism.”

A UN bureaucrat recently tweeted that we need to make language more “gender-neutral” by eliminating the words “husband” and “wife” and substituting “spouse.” Morse noted, “Who controls the language controls the debate.”

“I warned ten years ago during the marriage debates that a necessary consequence of removing the gender requirement from marriage would be de-gendering marriage,” Morse said. “No more ‘husband and wife,” only gender-neutral ‘spouse’ or ‘partner.’”

Morse asked how far this will go. “This process also includes replacing the words ‘father and mother’ to the gender-neutral ‘parent.’ The words ‘son’ and ‘daughter’ become the generic ‘child.’ The end goal of the Sexual Revolutionaries is to remove all references to sex from law and custom.”

Regarding the UN tweet: “There was never a vote to switch from husband and wife to spouse, not even in the UN, where such a vote might have passed,” Morse said. “And there was certainly never a popular referendum on the question. Very few of the ordinary people who supported same-sex marriage had any idea that they were de-gendering marriage. Proponents of the Sexual Revolution are adept at infiltration and subversion of unaccountable bureaucracies.”

Morse urged: “Don’t let them get away with it. Once we start purging the language of gender-specific words, there’ll be no end to it. Each victory will whet the Revolutionary appetite for more. Today’s gender-confused children are, in part, a consequence of our gender-confused law and language.”

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