Homophobic by law? Guilty for not having committed the fact

Homophobic by law? Guilty for not having committed the fact

“Homophobic by law? Guilty for not having committed the fact.” This is the title of the book edited by the “Centro Studi Livatino” which will be presented on 14 July at 5:30 pm at Palazzo Maffei Marescotti in Rome. Steadfast, together with other organizations joined the realisation of this important event, thus starting a campaign to oppose proposals for liberticidal laws. Through this volume we want to provide the essential elements to deal with this long-standing subject in legal terms, excluding any religious or confessional references. In fact, the italian Chamber of Deputies is currently examining the proposed Zan bill which apparently wants to have the objective of combating homo-trans phobia, but ”de facto” working to silence the public opinion, directly attacking the freedom of expression and thought. In reality the current legislation in Italy, through the criminal code, already protects people, punishing any type of discrimination, defamation and violence. It is therefore clear that the Zan’s bill is only an excuse to put a gag on public opinion. Today we run the real risk that if this liberticidal line passes, the democratic freedom in our country would be in serious danger.
It will be possible to attend the event even if the seats are almost sold out (send an email to info@centrostudilivatino.it). For those who cannot partecipate, it will be possible to follow the live Facebook from our Steadfast page.

Emmanuele Di Leo


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